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  • Histoire Et Patrimoine Du Pays De Rosporden | Accueil |

    v5 v5 = August 26, 2021: Multilingual site \ welcome ! Estivales à Goarlot Ouvrez la fenêtre ! Chez nos voisins... Il y a du nouveau ! 21/05/2023 : ASPNDR reçoit le Trio KERVAREC en l'église de Rosporden 20/11/2022 : MOELAN Mémoires & Photos fait son cinéma ! 29/10/2022 : Ar Ruskenn lance son 4ème Festival : Festiv'Ar Ruskenn ! Conférence de Vincent ROGARD : Pauvres et indigents en Finistère au XIX° latest news ... Click HPPR lui rend un hommage photographique sur 12 pages : Clic... 17/02/2022 + Michel CAUGANT s'en est allé... Bernard Videos of Bernard ... Old Rosporden & Kernével Click on the arrows ESR 02/26/2021: 3 briefs Lithographs of Breton costumes. The 50 and 70 years of ESR in ... cinema! Hervé Hervé de KERVEGUEN Scaêr: 440 articles! FL & LB 2 ex-Hipaparo take the pen ... François Lange and Louis Bocquenet JP-L. JP LOURS Photo-historical-architectural album of Finistère-Sud 160 160 old photos of Rosporden ... Businesses, flower parades ... DM Last minute! >

  • 2021 | hppr29

    Our achievements \ 2021 < 2022 2020> 08/05/2021: Florence DELNEUFCOURT at the microphone of RCF RADIO : 5 minutes of interview Exhibition in the Chapel of Locjean en Kernével : The Gallo-Roman temple of Grande Boissière in Kernével ... as if you were there! The HPPR Estivales: A stroll through Rosporden through the ages Chapels , feudal motte and Manor : La Véronique in Bannalec and Goarlot, Le Moustoir and Kermadeoua in Kernével Exhibition in the Chapel of Locjean in Kernével : The Gallo-Roman temple of Grande Boissière in Kernével Currently, visit the ... 50 Moulins sur l'Aven! Since Friday, June 4, you can get the work of René Le Dez which will complete his previous book devoted to Remarkable rural heritage : Journey on the Aven, Sources in Pont-Aven On sale in ... the good bookstores of Rosporden, Concarneau, Pont-Aven or on our site . Covid-19 pandemic: we're on the right track! HPPR seems to you to be idling at the start of the year ... Do not be fooled by appearances ! Its workshops are running at full speed to share their achievements with you as soon as sanitary conditions allow. Workshops in Schools, Restaurants, Streets and even the Temple ... are continuing their research, preparing for future exhibitions. Your drawers are overflowing with old documents concerning this research! Photos, anecdotes ... Remember to send them to us for copy!

  • Traduction Google | hppr29

    Google translation 05/09/2021 Disclaimer: If you display Google Translate results on your site without modification, you should include the following warning on your site: THIS SERVICE MAY CONTAIN TRANSLATIONS PROVIDED BY GOOGLE. GOOGLE DISCLAIMS ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED RESPONSIBILITY FOR TRANSLATIONS, INCLUDING ANY WARRANTIES OF ACCURACY AND RELIABILITY, AS WELL AS ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND CONFORMITY. The HPPR website has been translated for reference using translation software provided by Google Translate. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide you with an accurate translation, but no machine translation is perfect or intended to replace the work of human translators. Translations are offered as a service to users of the HPPR website and are provided "as is". No warranty of any kind, express or implied, is made as to the accuracy, reliability or correctness of translations made from the following language: French . Due to the limitations of the translation software, some content (such as images, videos, Flash elements, etc.) may not be translated exactly. The official text appears in the French version of the website. Any errors or differences generated in the translation are not binding and have no legal effect for purposes of compliance or enforcement. If you have questions about the accuracy of the information on the website translated, please refer to the French version of the website, which is the official version.

  • 2016 | Histoire Rosporden Kernével | hppr29

    Our achievements \ 2016 < 2017 2014 & 2015 > The little trains of Finistère Conference by Serge Duigou - on 20/10 in Kernével. - 11 pages - Retrospectives - The Breton economy: historical trajectory and challenges Conference by Hervé Thouément - 10/15. - 11 pages - Roman roads near you Exhibition by F. Delneufcourt and P. Lebègue - 01/08 to 31/08 - Chap. St Eloi - Rosporden. - 6 pages - Pierre Loti and Emma Herland Exhibition by Monique Talec - 07/16 to 08/15 Chapelle de Bonne-Nouvelle - Melgven. - 9 pages - Roman roads near you Exhibition by F. Delneufcourt and P. Lebègue - from 07/01 to 07/30 at Scaër. - 6 pages - Roman roads near you Exhibition by F. Delneufcourt and P. Lebègue - from 04/06 to 30/06 in Rosporden. - 6 pages - Hunting dogs in Roman gaul Conference by Jean-Yves Eveillard on 06/03. - 11 pages - Some Roman roads in South Cornwall Publication by Florence Delneufcourt and Patrick Lebègue - 05/22. - 13 pages - Rosporden's industrial past Exhibition on 05/14 - WoodScop Festival in Rosanduc, Rosporden - 5 pages - Rosporden's industrial past Exhibition from 04/16 to 04/17 in Kernével, multipurpose room - 6 pages - >

  • Une Page Se Tourne | Histoire Rosporden Kernével | hppr29

    who are we ? \ a page turns A little early to go, do not you believe ? Click on the picture Jean-Pierre .... november 2019 Aristide august 2019 Monique january 2019 Annie July 2020 Annie July 2020 René Septembre 2024 >

  • Prêt De Nos Expositions | Bretagne | hppr29

    Contact us \ loan of our exhibitions The loan of an HPPR exhibition "will go with you"? We are really flattered! Contact us ! >

  • Balades Et Découvertes | Histoire Rosporden Kernével | hppr29

    our galleries \ walks and discoveries Videos at the bottom of the page Discovering here is good ... going there: it's better! The Hipaparo have access to several additional files ... Vers les albums de photos... Vers KERMINY en 08/2024 Balades et Découvertes grâce aux Estivales d' HPPR 2024 2024 : Descriptif complet au bout... du CLIC Circuit dans Rosporden... libéré ! 2023 : Descriptif complet au bout... du CLIC Balades, Découvertes grâce aux Estivales d' HPPR 2023 Renseignez-vous ! HPPR Dépliant Estivales 2022 Du 19/07 au 19/08/2022 Les Estivales d'HPPR pour se familiariser avec l'histoire de Rosporden et de ses environs... PROGRAMME & DATES - 6 pages et 1 bonus ! - HPPR et ses "Greeters " Vos "Greeters"(accompagnateurs) Patrick, Florence, Monique, Jean-Claude, Michel, René et Maurice (dit "Le bon Maurice" !). Photo aérienne... plutôt ancienne, montrant l'usine des Cirages MAYOLA, le moulin et la minoterie, l'église et son cimetière, l'école, le dispensaire, le beau magasin des meubles Troalain-Le Bec... sans omettre l'étang évidemment ! Prolongez vos balades estivales en lisant les ouvrages qu'HPPR a publié depuis 2013... HPPR Dépliant Estivales 2022/06 La Motte castrale de Coathéloret, en Tourc'h près de Locunduff, défrichée par une bonne dizaine de nos Hipaparo HPPR Dépliant Estivales 2022 Du 19/07 au 19/08/2022 Les Estivales d'HPPR pour se familiariser avec l'histoire de Rosporden et de ses environs... PROGRAMME & DATES - 6 pages et 1 bonus ! - 1/7 2022 : Descriptif complet au bout... du CLIC 22/08/2024 Monique et Patrick, devant... 150 personnes ! En présence de notre hôtesse, Marina pour une dernière découverte estivale 2024... GRATUITE ! - 4 pages - 02/06/2024 Balade à Corseul (Vestiges romains) puis Le Quiou. - 19 pages - 03/08/2022 Patrick conduit son groupe attentif à la Chapelle de La Véronique puis à la Motte féodale de Goarlot, en présence de notre hôte, Marie-Hélène WIECZOREK qu'HPPR est heureuse de remercier ici. - 8 pages - Nouveauté 2022 : Une balade sur les sites de l'industrie rospordinoise récente... Laissez-vous conter par Michel et Maurice... - 6 pages - 19/07/2022 Un circuit en ville à l'issue duquel Pierre Loti n'aura plus (beaucoup) de secrets pour vous ! Et bien d'autres choses à découvrir grâce au talent de Monique... - 2 pages - Estivales HPPR 2021 Demandez le programme ! - 4 pages - 24/09/2020 Quelques Hipaparo se font "balader" par Jean-Pierre Le Cloirec : de Kernascleden à Priziac en passant par Langonnet, Le Faouët, Ploërdut, Locuon et le Temple bouddhiste de Plouray... Bon voyage ! - 33 pages - 20/09/2020 René LANDRAIN, Hipaparo dévoué, vous entraîne, lors des JEP - Journées Européennes du Patrimoine - à : - Bannalec dans la Chapelle Saint-Mathieu - Scaër : Dans l'Eglise paroissiale puis à la Chapelle de Coadry. - 26 pages - 31/07/2020 Dans le cadre des Estivales d'HPPR, Patrick inaugure notre première rencontre dans la Chapelle de Locjean "sise en Kernével"... Ce sera la seule cette année ! - 11 pages - Été 2020 Récapitulatif Du mercredi 15/07 au vendredi 14/08, 6 balades gratuites et guidées ; donc... instructives mais récréatives itou ! - 22 pages - 01/06/2020 Le Jardin extraordinaire de Patricia... quelque part en Melgven : trois années de labeur pour le plaisir de toutes et tous. Bravo, bravissimo Patricia !!! Et surtout, merci ! - 28 pages - 01/12/2019 Michel ALARD propose une visite de son Château et de ses dépendances. Un travail de Titan y a été mené : 200 personnes au plus fort du chantier. 7 années d'efforts bellement récompensées ! NB : La visite intérieure et de la Tour constitue un complément... réservé aux Hipaparo ! - 10 pages - 01/12/2019 NEVEZ Le Hénan Moulin à marée, Chapelle Sainte Marguerite, Bassin de Rouissage et les 3 Fontaines. - 3 pages - 07/2019 Chapelle de TREANNA en Elliant : vues extérieures & intérieures et historique (très) succinct ! - 30 pages - Été 2019 Du jeudi au dimanche, 3 balades guidées, donc... instructives mais récréatives itou ! - 2 pages - 01/06/2019 Survol de notre motte féodale : Guy Plouzennec offre à HPPR des vues aériennes prises depuis son drone : grand merci à lui... NB : visionnez (en bas de cette page) la vidéo aérienne... vertigineuse ! - 22 pages - 15/02/2019 Un arbre "Breton" remarquable près du Centre culturel... - 1 page - 15/02/2019 Un nouveau vitrail sur l'église de Rosporden ? - 1 page - 15 et 16/09/2018 Dans le cadre des Journées européennes du Patrimoine, HPPR vous amène en balade ! - 6 pages - Septembre 1907 - Printemps 2018 Le Café-Sabots, qui a pris la suite de l'ancien presbytère de Rosporden, a fermé ses portes... Souvenirs ! - 14 pages - Été 2018 sur 4 jeudi. "Découverte d'une voie romaine" sur ce que nous appelons "Le chemin des poissonniers". Cette voie reliait Carhaix à Concarneau. Guide : Florence DELNEUFCOURT. - 8 pages - Été 2018 sur 4 mercredi. "Chapelles et manoirs" : La Véronique, Saint-Maurice du Moustoir, Kermadeoua et la motte féodale de Goarlot dévoilent leur histoire. Guide : Patrick LEBEGUE. - 32 pages - Été 2018 sur 4 mardi. "Sur les pas de Pierre LOTI" dans notre cité de Rosporden, en passant dans l'église. Guide : Monique TALEC. - 12 pages - Été 2018 3 balades guidées, donc...instructives mais récréatives itou ! - 2 pages - 12/05/2018 La Vallée des Saints à Carnoët, puis dans le canton de Callac : Plourac'h, Loc Envel et Bulat Pestivien. Les visiteurs : Annick & Francis, Yves, sous la houlette de Jean-Pierre. - 9 pages - 4/05/2018 Balade sur les vestiges de la villa et des thermes romains à la PORTE NEUVE, à Riec. - 5 pages - Vues du clocher de l'église Notre-Dame de Rosporden : vues intérieures et panorama, le 5 avril 2018. - 11 pages - 03/10/2017 Anodontes et/ou Mulettes... en tout cas, des Moules ! Coupures de presse et livres. - 13 pages - 30/09/2017 Anodontes, ou Moules des étangs, découverts lors de la balade autour des étangs asséchés de Rosporden. - 13 pages - 06/05/2017 Visite du Manoir de Kermadeoua en Kernével (Finistère) chez Gérard Le Gouic, écrivain et poète. - 6 pages - Août 2016 Découverte de la fontaine de Bonne Nouvelle, en Melgven, par Francis et Jean-Claude. - 3 pages - 20/02/2016 Près de Corseul, visite du Temple Mars. - 4 pages - 20/02/2016 Visite de Corseul (22) son musée et ses vestiges romains. - 5 pages - 29/08/2015 Promenade sur le Chemin des Poissonniers au départ de Quélédern sous la houlette de Pat et Flo. - 6 pages - 18/09/2014 Madame Yvonne GEORGELIN reçoit HPPR en son manoir de Coatforn à la Trinité en Melgven. - 41 pages - 2022 Goarlot Balades 2024 Kerminy Estivales2020 Drone Coathéloret HPPR Chaîne ouverte HPPR Chaîne ouverte Play Video Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr Copy Link Link Copied Search video... Now Playing 2019 06 03 Coathéloret en Drone Vidéo PLG 01 09:17 Play Video Now Playing 2018 10 17 Coathéloret Visite initiale JYB 03:08 Play Video > June 2021: A moving monument in memory of Resistance fighters shot in Chavannes (near Chartres). Slideshow of 28 views in addition to the " Brèves " (click) . Chavannes02 2014 02 19 MONUMENT AUX MORTS de 28 CHAVANNES (6) JYB 2021 06 07 CHAVANNES Parcours de Mémoire 01 JYB 2021 06 07 CHAVANNES Parcours de Mémoire 26 JYB 2014 02 19 MONUMENT AUX MORTS de 28 CHAVANNES (6) JYB 1/27

  • RétroCube 2012-2015 | Bretagne | hppr29

    our galleries \ RetroCube 2012 - 2015 >

  • Autour de HPPR | Bretagne | hppr29

    around HPPR D To not s vs e t o not g the e t ... In this tab ... >

  • nos réalisations | hppr29

    Our achievements \ 2012-2020 Original program... Link to the detailed file of the HPPR Workshops Click on the image - 7 pages - Link to the detailed file Click on the image - 12 pages -

  • Articles Thématiques | Histoire Rosporden Kernével | hppr29

    thematic articles \ other briefs Brèves TDM 1023 pages at 08/07/2021 3 - Our news from 2021 - 742 pages - 13/06/2024 : "Antiquité gallo-romaine à... Chartres - Un vaste bâtiment de 6 hectares ! "... Par JYB 13/06/2024 : Une belle découverte au bout du CLIC ! " Autricum (Chartres antique) était dotée d'un des plus grands sanctuaires de la Gaule romaine connus à ce jour. Ce dernier dit de "Saint-Martin-au-Val " est implanté à moins d'un kilomètre au sud du centre administratif et politique de l'époque antique, dans l'actuel quartier Saint-Brice. Il est composé de plusieurs bâtiments, fouillés par les archéologues de la Ville de Chartres et Chartres métropole deux à trois mois par an. [...]" Dessin : Thierry Duchesne Responsable scientifique : Bruno Bazin / Responsable adjointe : Sonia Papaïan / Études des bois : Emmanuel Bouilly - 1 lien internet - 07/06/2024 : "L'épave du galion retrouvée en Galice (Espagne), quel rapport pouvait-il avoir avec la Bretagne ?"... Par Luisa DANIGO 07/06/2024 : Exposé de Luisa DANIGO, Hipaparo, lors de la réunion HPPR . "Le galion qui a refait surface à Ribadeo, au nord-ouest de l’Espagne, venait – il en Bretagne ?" [...] Selon les sources françaises, cette Armada de novembre 1597 venait en Bretagne en soutien des ligueurs et par sa position stratégique, au Blavet, à Brest et/ou à Saint-Malo. Henry IV avait alerté Saint-Malo, il fallait se préparer à se défendre ; d’autre part Sourdéac (gouverneur royaliste de Brest) raconte dans ses mémoires qu’il assigna aux troupes les positions de défense qu'elles devaient occuper, les unes à Brest, les autres dans les environs. [...] - 2 pages - 18 & 19/05/2024 : Cérémonies en l'honneur des bretons du pays de Rosporden et notamment à Blessy pour les 99 jeunes hommes du 48è de Guingamp... Par Dimitri BOURGET Vers : CONTRIBUTION du 14/06/2024 - 12 pages 12/05/2024 : Nouvelle contribution de Dimitri BOURGET. "Les 18 et 19 mai prochains, ce seront les cérémonies en l'honneur des bretons et notamment le dimanche à Blessy pour les 99 jeunes hommes du 48è de Guingamp Morts pour la France le 23 mai 1940 dont ceux du pays de Rosporden. Sans l'abnégation de l'Armée française, de la 21è DI bretonne et ses nombreux finistériens dont le 137è RI de Quimper pour permettre l'évacuation des Forces expéditionnaires britanniques, il n'y aurait sans doute pas eu de débarquement le 6 juin 44 [...]" VERS : CONTRIBUTION DE 2019 - 18 pages - 05/04/2024 : "Histoire des cimetières de Rosporden" ... Contribution de René LANDRAIN 05/04/2024 : Exposé de René LANDRAIN, Hipaparo, lors de la réunion HPPR . Autrefois les sépultures étaient faites autour des églises et des chapelles et pour certaines classes à l’intérieur de celles-ci [...] . D’après les comptes rendus des conseils municipaux. - 16 pages - 02/10/2023 : "Séances Antiquité armoricaine" ... Contribution de Florence DELNEUFCOURT 02/10/2023 : Florence DELNEUFCOURT , Hipaparo, débute une série de cours sur l ’Antiquité en Armorique . Cette période de l’histoire pré-bretonne reste peu présentée au public malgré la richesse de certains sites archéologiques (Carhaix, Corseul, Douarnenez) et le nombre des publications scientifiques. Afin de mieux la faire connaître, notre association HPPR propose d’organiser des séances d’initiation à l’Antiquité armoricaine qui seront assurées par Florence DELNEUFCOURT. Lieu : Melgven (salle Louise Ébrel). NB : Les Hipaparo ont accès à l'intégralité des 226 pages du cours... - 3 pages - 3 - Our news from 2021 - 742 pages - 11/10/2022 : Journal des Marches et Opérations du commandant des FFI de Bretagne, le Colonel EON 11/10/2022 : Contribution de René GUILLOU. "Né le 29 novembre 1894 à Versailles (Seine-et-Oise) d’un père lieutenant d’infanterie, Albert-Marie Eon fait ses études au Prytanée militaire de La Flèche puis intègre l’École spéciale militaire le 23 septembre 1913 (promotion Croix du Drapeau). " [...] Biographie de ce vaillant homme. Nos Hipaparo peuvent consulter le dossier de 84 pages : rejoignez-les ! - 2 pages - 19/07/2022 : Les archives de l'Office Central sont... archivées à Landerneau 12/07/2022 : Nouvelle contribution de Jean-François POUEY. Un article paru dans Le Télégramme, édition de Brest, fait état de la transmission des archives de l'Office Central à celles de Landerneau... - 1 page - 10/07/2022 : Premier Congrès Breiz Atao à Rosporden & Gwenn Ha Du 07/03/2018 : Contribution de Jean-Pierre LE CLOIREC et Georges CARDUNER. Naissance officielle du drapeau breton " Gwenn ha du " lors du !er Congrès nationaliste breton, Breiz Atao à Rosporden : grande journée festive... Une page marquante de notre petite histoire. [NDLR : désolé pour le temps mis à publier cette brève ! Vraiment.] - Complément du 11/07/2022 de Michel QUINET. Nos Hipaparo ont accès aux 7 premiers numéros du journal Breiz Atao, organe du PAB - Parti Autonomiste Breton - parus en 1927... Pour y accéder, vous savez ce qu'il vous reste à faire ;-) - 8 pages - 26/04/2022 : Itroun Varia Lourd gant an Aotrou MADEC... 26/04/2022 : Contribution de Jean-François POUEY. Traductrice : Marie-Thérèse LE MEUR de Saint-Yvi. Un extrait de cette publication de 1905 et sa traduction de l'histoire de Lourdes et de Bernadette : Bernadett ha Burzudou ar Grott . - 29 pages - 23/02/2022 : Les temples, les sanctuaires et les ordres antiques 23/02/2022 : Contribution de René LE DEZ Une étude de l'Association archéologique universitaire de Bourgogne pour se familiariser avec les Diptères, Périptères et autres Tholos sans omettre le Fanum et le Naïskos... - 6 pages - 3 - Our news from 2021 - 742 pages - Brèves 2021 04/08/2021: Rosporden, the city and its church 08/29/2018: Contribution by Jean-Claude CARON Printed by Ch. NORMAND in Hennebont, this document - discovered in the Parish Archives of Rosporden - tells us a little more about Rosporden: the town and its church. - 9 pages - 10/19/2021: Some old photos of Rosporden 07/28/2021: Contribution by Jean-Claude CARON Our tireless elf unearthed a series of 31 old photos of Rosporden in the diocesan archives of Quimper and Léon... - 9 pages - 12/10/2021: A history of Rosporden by Mark GLEONEC 10/12/2021: Contribution by Jean-Claude CARON In July-August 1994, for the OTSI of Rosporden, Mark GLEONEC wrote this story of Rosporden through time... Bon voyage! - 4 pages - 10/11/2021: Draft Statute for Brittany drawn up on 01/15/1943 09/29/2018: Contributed by Jean-Pierre LE CLOIREC "Draft statute for Brittany within the framework of France". - 8 pages - 04/08/2021: Rosporden, the town and its church 08/29/2018: Contribution by Jean-Claude CARON Printed by Ch. NORMAND in Hennebont, this document - discovered in the parish archives of Rosporden - teaches us a little more about Rosporden: the town and its church. - 9 pages - 04/08/2021: Loti, the Mystifier 08/02/2021: Contribution by Jean-Claude CARON Guy BRETON published at Presses-Pocket " Malicious stories of great men " from which we extract Loti, the Mystifier. - 7 pages - 02/08/2021: The destroyers of the French Navy around 1935 08/02/2021: Contribution by Nicole HORELLOU In the years 1935-1944, the destroyers of our French Navy were the fastest ships in the world. Here is the lived testimony of Nicole's father, René Horellou , himself a native of Rospordin from the Moulin de Coat-Canton. For history buffs ... and everyone else! - 30 pages - 03/08/2021: The History of Kernével ... 08/02/2021: Contribution by Jean-Claude CARON Document from the Diocesan Archives. - 11 pages - 03/08/2021: THE PARISH ECHO of Notre-Dame de Rosporden 1914-1917 08/03/2021: Contribution by Jean-Claude CARON The parish archives of Rosporden, duly consulted by our dear Jean-Claude CARON, allowed him to revive the 38 monthly issues of the ECHO PAROISSIAL of Notre-Dame de Rosporden published from September 1914 to November 1917 ... - 158 pages - 07/31/2021: THE PARISH ECHO of Notre-Dame de Rosporden 1911-1914 08/01/2021: Contribution by Jean-Claude CARON The parish archives of Rosporden, duly consulted by our dear Jean-Claude CARON, allowed him to revive the 42 monthly issues of the ECHO PAROISSIAL de Notre-Dame de Rosporden published from April 1911 to September 1914 ... - 156 pages - 07/31/2021: History of the Chapel of Locjean 07/24/2021: Contribution from JYB On the occasion of the HPPR exhibition, in the Chapel of Locjean, on the Temple of the Grande Boissière , which we owe in particular to Florence Delneufcourt, we are pleased to provide you with a history produced by the Chapel Committee as well as by our Hipaparo Patrick Lebègue. - 7 pages - 07/31/2021: The carved yew in front of the Locjean Chapel 07/24/2021: Contribution from JYB On the occasion of the HPPR exhibition, in the Chapel of Locjean, on the Temple of the Grande Boissière , we are pleased to provide you with a photo album concerning the beautiful sculpted yew that ... you should be able to admire in front of the chapel ! - 4 pages - 07/27/2021: The framework of the Chapel of Locjean 07/24/2021: Contribution of Jean-Paul PAPIAU On the occasion of the HPPR exhibition, in the Chapel of Locjean, on the Temple of the Grande Boissière , we are pleased to send you a photo album concerning the beautiful assembly of the frame of the chapel. - 7 pages - 07/06/2021: Monument to the Resistance fighters of Chavannes (28 - Eure & Loir) 06/07/2021: Contribution from JYB A monument - very moving - in memory of the Resistance fighters shot on the site of Chavannes (28). A historical exhibition in what used to be a joint shooting range. Symbol of life that takes over, without forgetting the heavy past: a large group of beehives and the small house where several panels on the bee and its honey are permanently exposed ... See SLIDESHOW (click) . - 15 pages - 01/15/1575: Kermynihy's confession 05/19/2021: Contribution by Michel FLOC'H, transmitted by Jean-Claude CARON On January 15, 1575, Pierre du Plessix, Sieur du Kermynihy, was in Nantes with his notaries. There he finalized his confession for the seigneury of Kermynihy which he had inherited a few years earlier. This document must then be presented to the Chambre des comptes de Bretagne. Where it will serve as a basis to determine the "inheritance tax" that it will have to pay ... - 52 pages - 1827-1917: M. Villiers du Terrage by Yves Le CORRE - known as "Y" 05/12/2021: Contribution of Monique TALEC Life and work of Viscount Aimé-Edouard de Villiers from the Terrage du Château de Kerminy. Handwritten text dated 04/13/1984, due to the pen of Yves Le Corre, scholarly teacher from Rosporden, asking the Municipality that the name of the rue de la Gare be dedicated to him. - 4 pages - 1903: The seigneury of Kerminihy by M. Villiers du Terrage 04/18/2021: Contribution by René Le DEZ Essays on the seigneury of Kerminihy, in Rosporden, by M. de Villiers du Terrage. Publication in 1903 in the Bulletin of the Archaeological Society of Finistère (the entire book has 485 pages: we reserve the other 366 pages for our ... members !). - 119 pages - May 8, 1982: The Minister awards the Legion of Honor to Albert RIVIER 04/14/2021: Contribution from René Le DEZ (who received it from Louis Quénéhervé) and Jacqueline THOUEMENT-RIVIER, daughter of the recipient. Speech by Louis LE PENSEC, Minister of the Sea on the occasion of the appointment of Mr. Albert RIVIER in the order of the Legion of Honor. - 7 pages - Water - The Aven and the ponds ... A history of ponds ... but not only! 03/22/2021: Contribution by Jean-Claude CARON Evolution of our, or more exactly of our Rosporden ponds. Thanks to ... the unknown author who will recognize his work! - 7 pages - Breton songs about the Meuniers 03/19/2021: Contribution by Youenn Flécher from Moulin Lescoat About twenty old songs, in French and / or Breton - sometimes with the musical score - about our good old millers or tailors or ... Thanks to JM who will recognize himself! - 20 pages - Oyster enthusiast's guide to survival! 03/18/2021: Contribution by Youenn Flécher from Moulin Lescoat What are they ? Where and how to enjoy it? ... A culinary touch of local heritage and elsewhere! - 25 pages - Abundant and above all rich documentation on water mills 03/15/2021: Contribution by Youenn Flécher from Moulin Lescoat Plans of machines, vocabulary, legal articles, photos, press clippings, inventory of mills on the Belon, and more ..., and then ...! - 63 pages - The manor of Kernault 03/15/2021: Contribution by Youenn Flécher from Moulin Lescoat Brief history of the Manoir de Kernault in Quimperlé. - 7 pages - 1974 Septentenary of the ESR In 1974: ESR fair, The rugby players on the field, Breton dance, concert on a stage in the middle of the stadium, the refreshment bar, women's and men's football match, etc. Link to the film (17 ') on the Cinémathèque de Bretagne website . - 2 pages - 1954 Fiftieth anniversary of the ESR In 1954: ESR fair and speedboat race on the second pond in Rosporden. ESR tanks, etc. Link to the film (10 ') directed by André Coeuru on the Cinémathèque de Bretagne website . - 2 pages - Breton costumes at the Cornish Festival in 1952 24 lithographs in 6 colors by Jean Coffinières prefaced by Pierre-Jakez Hélias. 02/17/2021: Received from Luc Bénard de Rosporden: big thank you! - 30 pages - Chavannes01 2 - Our news from 2020 - 177 pages - Indo-European language tree December 26, 2020 Languages of the world ... How are they related? - 1 page - 60 Breton songs by René ABJEAN 19 december 2020 Kanom - 60 Breton songs. Music - Breton text - French translation. Illustrations by JP Guiriec. - 35 pages - In 1891: The legend of the child walled up in the bridge of our pond ... Tremble, brave people! December 1, 2020 Pond bridge : an arch is released and gives access to its exploration by 3 Hipaparo adventurous. See their photo album. Then the legend (but is it really one?) of the walled-up child at the age of 4 so that the bridge stops crumbling! A book, transmitted by Jean-Claude CARON - again him ;-) - published on 03/15/1891 testifies ... - 20 pages - From 1919: Breton emigration to Aquitaine and the Basque Country November 29, 2020 Document of the Geographical Review of the Pyrenees and the South-West, written by Christiane Pinède, transmitted by our faithful Jean-François POUEY, our Basque from Rosporden ... - 41 pages - In 1655: Document from the Nantes Chamber of Accounts concerning Rosporden B310-9 13 november 2020 This document from the Nantes Chamber of Accounts concerning Rosporden in 1655 - kept in the Archives of the Lower Loire (B310) - was kindly transmitted to us by Dominique HILLION, our devoted contributor from Quiberon. - 46 pages - In 1720: a certificate of travel during La Peste November 10, 2020 A certificate of travel in 1720 against the plague epidemic. It's funny though that history remembers us ... But at the time the fine was not 135 € but ... the death penalty ! Contribution of our friend, Youenn FLECHER from Riec-sur-Belon. - 1 page - Lescoat mill in Riec-sur-Belon October 9, 2020 A stroll along the water of the Moulin Lescoat. Contribution of our friend, Youenn FLECHER from Riec-sur-Belon. - 5 pages - Ambroise LE GALL: So that History is not forgotten September 4, 2020 Ambrose LE GALL, the penultimate survivor of the Resistance members of the Land of Rosporden, is gone. You will find here a document that he entrusted to HPPR, a few pages that appeared in the local press as well as the tribute of the ANACR - National Association of Veterans and Friends of the Resistance - during his funeral. We renew here all our sympathy to his family. - 8 pages - A church in danger April 2020 Article published in the Bulletin No. 40 of the International Association of Friends of Pierre Loti - AIAPL - from the pen of Monique TALEC de Rosporden, faithful Hipaparo! - 4 pages - The French Campaign and the fights of May-June 40 Link to the concise series started on May 9 and how much "of public utility" on France 3 Hauts de France concerning the French Campaign and the fights of May-June 40. The three battalions of the 137th RI of Quimper fought in the pocket of Dunkirk until the end. - 1 link - Detailed list of HPPR services since 2012 By JyB - 06/02/2020 - 12 pages - The mill - disappeared - of Coat-Aven en Melgven The maps, consulted in the Departmental Archives of Finistère, show this mill in 1843 and 1844. Since then, it has disappeared: perhaps, but not for our sleuths - Jean-Claude Caron and Patrick Lebègue! They thus respond, without delay, to a question from Patricia, the very talented gardener-artist-decorator of the Talus de Coat-Aven . Run to admire it (the embankment of course!) ... - 2 pages - 75th anniversary of the end of World War II By Pensivy college students on 05/08/2020. To celebrate May 8 in confinement and the very near release! You can discover here the collaborative magazine produced by the students of 3C and 3D. Using new communication tools, information networks and their imagination, they told their story of the Resistance and the Liberation. View online: Access to the very informative and well-documented 32-page magazine! - 1 link - Construction of houses in 1889 ... as if you were there! By René Le Dez on 04/19/2020 ... which answers a question from Stéphanie, a user from Kernével . - 2 pages - Computer skills By JyB on 04/11/2020 ... Access to 27 pages is reserved to our Hipaparo - 1 link - 1 - Our news before 2020 - 104 pages - Our news before 2020 Organ version of "Vive Rosporden" 2 4/08/2019 - Performer: Aline Quinet - 41 seconds of music - See also below: 27/10/2018 Piano version by Serge Mazeau Our news before 2020 The church of Our Lady of the Assumption By Monique Talec - Translation: Hélène MANSFIELD-RICA - 09/03/2019 - 8 pages - See "thematic articles" tab: 08/03/2018 the French version Our news before 2020 Die Kirche Mariä Himmelfahrt Rosporden By Monique Talec - Translation: Iris JACQUET - 07/23/2019 - 8 pages - See also "thematic articles": 03/08/2018 the French version Our news before 2020 Authentic deed dated 11/18/1783 Received from our contributor, Pierre SIMON, from the Manoir de Coat-Canton in Rosporden - 10/03/2019 - 12 pages - Our news before 2020 180 very old photographic plates and films Beginning of the last century: Photos of babies, Communions, Weddings, Portraits, Vintage cars, etc. Contribution by Vincent ROGARD de Bannalec - 03/15/2019. Here, an excerpt - to make you want! - folder of 39 pages reserved to HPPR members. - 4 pages - Our news before 2020 1918-1919: Americans in Rosporden? By Jean-François POUEY and Marcel HERVE - 03/11/2019 Call for contributions from readers! - 3 pages - Our news before 2020 The Chapel of Saint-Eloi in Rosporden: a little history By The Chapel Committee - 02/17/2019 - 13 pages - Our news before 2020 Detailed list of HPPR services since 2012 By JyB - 06/02/2020 - 8 pages - Our news before 2020 May 18, 2019 - Remembrance train in the Aa valley Commemoration 1939-1945 by Dimitri BOURGET. The sacrifice of 78 Breton soldiers. COMPLEMENT to 09/08/2020 The complete file comprises 278 pages: Reserve to HPPR members. - Internet link to Video - Our news before 2020 May 18 and 19, 2019: Commemoration in Blessy and Witternesse - 2/2 Commemoration 1939-1945 by Dimitri BOURGET. The sacrifice of 78 Breton soldiers. COMPLEMENT from 19/04/2019: Detailed program. And what a program! (3 pages) COMPLEMENT of 05/30/2019: La Presse talks about it (8 pages) The complete file comprises 278 pages: Reserve to HPPR members. - 11 pages - Our news before 2020 May 18 and 19, 2019: Commemoration in Blessy and Witternesse - 1/2 Commemoration 1939-1945 by Dimitri BOURGET. The sacrifice of 78 Breton soldiers. 278-page file: Reserve to HPPR members. - 1 page - Our news before 2020 The wooden clothes pegs of my washerwoman mother in Pont Aven The beech (or birch!) Wood clothespin is one of the washerwoman's essential tools, just like the quackgrass brush, Marseille soap, Guimet blue, the washing machine, the washing box ... A small three-piece set: two cut wood sticks and a spiral spring ... not to be confused with its ancestor, the one-piece clothespin, split (notched) up to the level of the knots wood and ringed for tightening ... I never saw my mother use this last ... Internet contribution by Francis LE GARREC: link to his site to read more. - link to the website - Our news before 2020 The Rosporden Cavalcade (part 2) By Jean-Claude Caron - 10/26/2018 - 4 pages - Our news before 2020 The Rosporden Cavalcade (part 1) By Jean-Claude Caron and Jean-Pierre Garo - 10/26/2018 Was there a cavalcade in 1893 as the page of the literary supplement of Figaro of June 24, 1893 suggests, or is it a "galéjade" concocted by the plumitif? We'll let the reader be the judge! See Part 2 ... - 1 page - Our news before 2020 The song "Son Meriet Rosporden" By Jean-Claude Caron - 08/19/2018 - 2 pages - Our news before 2020 Scaër's fire engine in 1880 By Jean-Pierre Garo, from Kerlué - 08/11/2018 - 4 pages - Our news before 2020 Closure of Café-Sabots By Yannick Bleuzen - 03/31/2018 - 14 pages - Our news before 2020 Piano version of "Vive Rosporden" 10/27/2018 - Performer: Serge Mazeau - 48 seconds of music - See also above: 08/24/2019 Organ version by Aline Quinet Our news before 2020 Vocal score "Vive Rosporden" by Alain Guyomard on 03/30/2013 & Marie-Yvonne Le Breton on 11/15/2017 - 9 pages - Our news before 2020 The song "À Rosporden" By Jean-Pierre Garo, from Kerlué - 08/02/1905 - 2 pages - Dimitri BOURGET 2019 Ancre 1 >

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